Đặt câu với từ "was a success|be a success"

1. Be Adjudged + noun The tour was Adjudged a success

2. The experiment was a big success.

3. The show was a resounding success.

4. The book was a runaway success.

5. The show was a raging success.

6. Superman was soon a big success.

7. The show was a sensational success.

8. The movie was a great success.

9. The raid was a brilliant success.

10. The evening was a resounding success.

11. The film was a runaway success .

12. The operation was a great success.

13. The dinner was a grand success.

14. The event was a conspicuous success .

15. Neither film was a howling success.

16. The exhibition was only a partial success.

17. The film was/scored a resounding success.

18. The tour was adjudged a great success.

19. Our new store was a big success.

20. Initially, the strike was a major success.

21. The plan was a resounding success/failure.

22. Predicting his success was a slam dunk.

23. The Arctic expedition was a remarkable success.

24. 24 The party was a roaring success.

25. Initially, this new strategy was a success.

26. The play was a very great success.

27. The play was a box-office success .

28. However, his success was to be short-lived.

29. Worldwide, the song proved to be a success.

30. The India media blitz was a huge success.

31. 4 Our holiday was only a partial success.

32. Their success was founded on a dual strategy.

33. It was clear, even before publication, that the book would be a success.

34. The project was more or less a success.

35. The conference was hailed as a great success.

36. The film was a huge box-office success.

37. The tour was Adjudged a great success: 15

38. 5 The film was only a partial success.

39. China's first manned spaceflight was a complete success.

40. Polaroid was a genuine American technology success story.

41. 3 The exhibition was only a partial success.

42. Her success as a popular singer was ephemeral.

43. The event was a Conspicuous success (= a very great one)

44. Even a small success is not to be spurned.

45. There seemed to be a high probability of success.

46. The authoritarian policy wasn't proved to be a success.

47. The business would be a success, whoever owned it.

48. A good education can be the gateway to success.

49. I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.

50. Adjudge something + noun The tour was Adjudged a success

51. Her appointment was a significant, though/albeit temporary success.

52. The organisers claimed the conference was a resounding success.

53. This she did, and the operation was a success.

54. 26 That salmon dish was a success, wasn't it?

55. 1 The research project was only a partial success.

56. Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success.

57. 5 Her success as a popular singer was ephemeral.

58. Her last book was a raving best-seller/success.

59. His son's success was a great gratification to him.

60. She was intoxicated with success.

61. He was bent on success.

62. For Tony, owning a big car was a badge of success.

63. I think your fundraiser will be a great success, sir.

64. Michael thought an MBA would be a ticket to success.

65. 1 The authoritarian policy wasn't proved to be a success.

66. Alternatively, the word could be a shortened form of sucCess.

67. We must not be contented with such a small success.

68. She was a success both as a pianist and as a conductor.

69. Crackdown 1 released in 2007, and was a commercial success

70. The play was a success more by accident than design.

71. The film was a commercial and critical success, grossing $326,551,094.

72. 19 Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success.

73. The bad weather notwithstanding, the event was a great success.

74. The decision to reorganize the company was a brilliant success.

75. According to school officials, the drill was a great success.

76. The operation was a success, and she's off the morphine.

77. It's a highway to success.

78. The Advent box, our first Consecrate, was a smashing success

79. Confidence of success is almost success. 

80. Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.